ยป After a Sexual Assault

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted or has been exposed to any form of sexual or gender misconduct, you are strongly encouraged to consider taking the following actions:

1) Go to a safe environment. You may want to call a trusted family member, friend, or individual to stay with you for support.

Know that the incident was not your fault.
Medical Emergencies – 911

You are encouraged to contact local police in the city where the sexual assault took place. You may also contact Chapman Public Safety to assist with this process:

  • Chapman University Public Safety Office: 714-997-6763
  • Orange Police Department: 714-744-7444
  • Irvine Police Department: 949-724-7000
  • Anaheim Police Department: 714-765-1900

2) During working hours you can discuss your options and make a report by contacting Dr. Dani Smith, Chapman University's Sexual Assault Crisis Counselor and Advocate.

  • Dr. Dani Smith: 714-744-7080 / dasmith@chapman.edu

3) Forensic exam/Rape kit Information.

  • You are encouraged to contact Waymakers / Orange County's 24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline at: 714-957-2737 to discuss forensic examination details and options.  If you are out of county or state, contact your local rape treatment center.

4) Get medical care as soon as possible.

  • For life-threatening conditions, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital Emergency Room. If you need assistance getting there, call Public Safety at (714) 997-6763.
  • For after-hours, contact Public Safety (714)-997-6763 or Waymakers 24-hour Sexual Assault  Crisis Hotline (714) 957-2737.

5) Consider writing down as much as you can remember about the circumstances of the assault, including a description of the assailant. This information may be minimal at first so continue to add details as you remember them. It is not unusual for survivors of trauma to have minimal recall at first. As time goes by, you may remember more details.

6) If you suspect that you have been given some type of drug, inform the hospital personnel where you receive medical care. Drugs, such as Rohypnol and GHB leave the body quickly.

7) Obtain information, support and counseling / Know your options.

To learn about your options:

  • Dr. Dani Smith is Chapman University’s Sexual Assault Crisis Counselor. Dr. Smith can provide you with information regarding your options; assist with contacting local police; help access campus supportive measures. You can contact her via email at dasmith@chapman.edu; phone at 714-744-7080; or by calling Chapman University Public Safety at: 714-997-6763.
  • Off-campus Waymakers (formerly Community Service Programs) offers a 24-hour Hotline for support.

8) If you wish to file a report with Chapman University, contact any of the following Title IX Coordinators.

For student(s)-to-student(s) matters:

Dean Colleen Wood
Lead Title IX Coordinator
Argyros Forum 101

For matters concerning faculty/staff:

Albert RobersonEqual Opportunity and Diversity Officer
Title IX Deputy Coordinator
DeMille Hall  

Other Reporting Options:

Public Safety Department - (714) 997-6763 
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Dean of Students Office - (714) 997-6721 

Office of Human Resources - (714) 997-6686 
Available 8 a.m.-5 p.m.  M-F

Resident Director

Resident Advisor